Sermons 2022 Kailey Marcum Sermons 2022 Kailey Marcum

Lessons from the Desert



For those of you interested in learning more about strengthening your faith, deepening your roots, and cultivating a spiritual life that can face "deconstruction" and other challenges, these are some recommended resources. The first four books will introduce you to other authors and works you can explore further, while the fourth is a link to a 39-page work by Athanasius (with introductory comments by C.S. Lewis).

Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline

- A helpful introduction to spiritual disciplines that serve as tools or exercises to deepen your relationship with the Lord and grow in personal holiness. Foster introduces readers to a number of Christian classics, though he doesn't include enough voices from the Christian East. Still, this is where I recommend starting.

Kallistos Ware, The Orthodox Way

- A guide for Christians on “the way” of life with Christ, written by an Eastern Orthodox leader, bringing together the doctrine, worship, and practice of the Christian faith. (As I mentioned, this is one of my all time favorites...though I find the author's ideas about tongues and other charismatic experiences misguided, since he seems to be reacting to excessive examples by people practicing spiritual gifts in ways that do not align with Scripture.)

Brock Bingaman, A Luminous Life

- A resource that helps readers deepen their roots in Scripture and the Christian classics: covering useful themes and practices like prayer, fasting, solitude and community, contemplation and action. As I explain, this book was born out of a season in the spiritual desert. Full of quotes and references to Christians from the West and East, you'll find veins of gold to explore further.

Thomas Oden, Classic Christianity: A Systematic Theology

- I recommend this for those who are wanting to invest ongoing time and study. Of the many works written by Oden, this is (in my opinion) a must-have for those seeking a "go to" resource on the shelf that covers biblical and classic teaching on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You can buy three separate volumes or get the larger book that includes all three volumes.

Athanasius, On the Incarnation

- This fourth-century church father wrote a beautiful essay on the Incarnation of Christ, explaining key biblical passages, and how through the Incarnation, God is saving and transforming His people and all of creation. C.S. Lewis provides a brief introduction to the essay.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Brock Bingaman is Lead Pastor and founder and director of All Saints Center for Theology, Spirituality, and Leadership at ASCC. Drawing from over twenty-five years of leadership experience in the academy, church, and business world, he is passionate about equipping the saints.

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