
Bible Reading

We’d encourage you to make Bible intake a regular part of your life. The plans here will give you a structure to help you stay on track, and many of them will also direct you to praying the scripture. 


Bible in a Year

New Testament in 90 Days  

New Testament in a Year

Acts: The Power of Pentecost (30 days)


The Apostles’ Creed Reading Plan

Prayers from Scripture (2 weeks)

Praying Scriptures that Proclaim Christ is Victor (2 weeks)

A Luminous Life: A Journey into Classic Christian Spirituality

Brock Bingaman

A Luminous Life is about deepening our friendship with God, growing in Christlikeness, and learning practical ways to walk in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This is the essence of "Christian spirituality," life in the Holy Spirit, as Paul describes in Romans 8. The book explores various spiritual practices — like prayer, fasting, solitude and community, and contemplation and service — that empower us to walk with Jesus and share in his kingdom mission.

The book encourages readers to explore the Christian "classics" and to listen to early or ancient Christian voices like the Desert Fathers, Maximus the Confessor, and Teresa of Avila. Like discovering veins of gold or tapping into underground sources of water in the desert, the Christian classics bring fresh life, growth, and perspective. A driving passion that undergirds the book is to discuss practical ways we can grow as rooted and empowered people, those with roots that sink deep into God and his word and who walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

You can find A Luminous LIfe in the Resource Center at ASCC (for a discounted price) or on Amazon.


You can find many of our recommended resource books in our Resource Center in our lobby.